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Kyphoplasty Specialist

Premier Pain Solutions

Interventional Pain Management Specialists located in Asheville, NC, Columbus, NC, Wilmington NC, & Easley SC.

Vertebral compression fractures are painful spinal injuries that frequently occur in people with osteoporosis. If you’ve suffered one or more vertebral compression fractures, Javid Baksh, DO, and Daniel Borman, MD, at Premier Pain Solutions can relieve your pain and restore spinal stability with minimally invasive kyphoplasty. Find out how kyphoplasty could help you by contacting one of the practice’s offices, which are conveniently located in Asheville, Columbus, Greenville, and Wilmington, North Carolina; and Easley, Greenville, South Carolina. Call or book an appointment online today.

Kyphoplasty Q & A

What is kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is an effective method of restoring height to your vertebrae and stabilizing your spine. The procedure doesn’t involve conventional surgery, but instead uses minimally invasive techniques to open up the vertebra before filling the space with medical bone cement.

A similar procedure, vertebroplasty, can also help stabilize your spine and reduce pain. However, vertebroplasty doesn’t raise the height of the vertebrae before the injection of bone cement.

While results can vary between patients, most experience relief from back pain and improvement in their mobility within a few days of having kyphoplasty.

When might I need to have kyphoplasty?

Your provider at Premier Pain Solutions might suggest kyphoplasty if you have vertebral compression fractures. These injuries are common in older people with osteoporosis, a condition in which your bones lose density and are more likely to break or crumble.

Vertebral compression fractures are a common cause of chronic back pain. The vertebrae collapse at the front but remain higher at the back, creating a wedge shape. 

A series of vertebral compression fractures cause the spine to develop an abnormal curve (known as a dowager’s hump) that’s common in people with advanced osteoporosis.

To assess your vertebral compression fractures before recommending a kyphoplasty procedure, your provider performs a physical exam and reviews your X-rays or MRI scan.

What happens when I have kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is typically done in-office at Premier Pain Solutions. Your provider inserts a needle into the affected vertebra using fluoroscopic guidance (a form of real-time X-ray) to ensure the correct placement.

When the needle is in position, your provider inflates a tiny balloon that gently raises the compressed side of the vertebra to a more normal height. Next, they inject bone cement into the space, then repeat the process on other affected vertebrae.

Your kyphoplasty procedure is likely to take around an hour, depending on how many vertebrae undergo treatment.

How long does it take to recover from kyphoplasty?

You should recover from kyphoplasty much faster than you would following traditional surgery. Within an hour of your procedure, you should be capable of walking, and any soreness should fade within a few days.

You might experience relief from back pain right away, or it could be several days before you notice a marked improvement.

If you have vertebral compression fractures and want to see if kyphoplasty is right for you, call Premier Pain Solutions today or book an appointment online.